Hand to mouth

Hi! Does anybody have any ideas on how to get my 9.5 month old to put food from his hand to his mouth? We have tried guiding his hand and he just refuses to go anywhere near his mouth and we offer finger foods but he just likes to hold it and then crush it! I’m so worried as he should be able to feed himself by now and he doesn’t 😩
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Exactly the same here, just trying to be patient and giving her a very long time with it. I also eat the same thing to try to show her what to do... We've had some nibbles. But not much success yet

I would sit and eat with my LO at the same time (usually similar to what he was eating) so he could watch me do it and he picked it up quite quickly from watching

We had the same situation with my son who is 9.5 months. Even when guiding his hand to his mouth whilst he was holding food didn’t really work. I even posted about it on peanut as I was worrying but didn’t get a response. Then suddenly about 3/4 weeks ago he started bringing his hand to his mouth. His coordination wasn’t great at first but is getting better and now he tries to put everything in his mouth. I don’t think we did anything differently. I still wanted him to eat solids so spoon-fed him for every meal and placed finger foods on his high chair tray at least once a day, but spoon-fed him at the same meal as I didn’t want there to be pressure for him to eat. He had quite a severe tongue tie at birth and although we had it cut, there was still restriction so had initially thought it was due to that but now I just think all babies hit their milestones differently

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