@Rhiannon it's so disheartening 😢 I keep having a mental battle with myself that I'm failing by her not eating any solids but also knowing she's getting all her nutrients from her milk. I know I still have 3 months until she's meant to be off formula but what if she just doesn't grasp it in time 😵💫 like we are 3 months in and no progress and still only 3 months to go too 😫 xxx
Just fyi that many kids eat much better at nursery than they do at home. Mine eats allllll sorts of things there that he absolutely refuses to touch at home. How is she with steamed fruit and veg offered BLW style?
@Cheryl I have seen this but how do I know for sure she is eating the amount or types of food for sure? I'm such an over thinker 🙈 The same with fruit and veg, she will pick it up throw it or suck on it but not actually chew and digest xx
Ask the nursery to show you pictures of a full plate, and what they deem "most" or "little". We get a menu through and have a good idea of what he will eat. They seem to feed them often! I usually get a breakdown e.g. chicken and rice all but peppers most.
I would say that it sounds that she is eating quite a bit. Their stomachs are still very little so any amount of food seems to be fine at this age provided that they still drink their milk 🤷🏻♀️
Honestly sounds like she’s doing a great job, especially being so young and new to the BLW journey still. Don’t forget their main source of nutrition comes from their milk feeds until 1 too, so she really doesn’t need to be eating huge amounts. Even if she doesn’t eat all the meals at nursery, it’ll be great for her sensory development and exploration to be offered them! Weaning the BLW Way on Facebook is a helpful group if you’re not already in it — https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeaningtheBLWWay/?ref=share_group_link
Just know you're not alone. I honestly struggle so much to get food into my little girl - spoonfed and baby led weaning neither is working I've had many nights just crying because I really was looking forward to weaning. I think they will just pick it up - I got advised to just keep offering foods ... But sometimes it just causes upset more than anything else Sorry no advice but absolute solidarity xxx