Feeling generally happier in a psych hospital?

I've been hospitalized multiple times for depression anxiety and other things. I got out a week ago and all I can think about is how happier I was there. I feel generally miserable outside of a hospital setting. Is that bad and what do you think is causing that? I have a 4 month old and a 17 month old also and we are struggling.
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If you’ve been prescribed meds, have you been as consistent with your meds schedule back at home as you were in the hospital? If you’d rather talk in the dm’s my inbox is open n judgment free 🫶🏼🫂

I think many people in your position may feel the same I don't think it's a simple yes or no answer I think you're stronger than you realise because you can assess your situation. I think things can change for the better but having the right support network is important for you and your kids. It's useful to have a counsellor And stay in touch with those helping you at the clinic. I hope you have friends and family you can lean on, too . Even if there's just one person, that's sometimes all you need Don't be hard on yourself. Celebrate all your small successes. They are big in the grand scheme of things

Wishing you and your babies all the very best.

COMPLETLY normal! I was inpatient last year for the first time and the absolute relief of just focusing on one thing instead of 30 million things that were mostly out of my control. Inpatient helped me get stable but there was no room in the outpatient program so it was really rough going right back into the same stressors that put me into inpatient in the first place. I found an alternative outpatient program for 6 weeks and i learned a lot of regulation and coping stratagies that i just never recieved in inpatient. They also took a look at my meds and were able to balance them out and were able to observe over a longer period of time which was extremely helpful. My stress was lowered so much that after 2 years of no luck i concieved 2 weeks into the program!

Well, I mean, when you're in hospital you have no obligations. When you're at home with your kids you're drowning in motherhood. You need practical support and regular time to yourself. 2 under 2 is really hard. Do you have a partner? Does he give you a break, every day?

I think you could benefit from putting yourself on a good schedule/routine like they do for patients. Breakfast/lunch/ dinner at this specific time, yk a type of structure to your day may help

Sound alike Postpartum to me.

I have the same thing which the hospital I went to as a child and I can’t go back ever because they’re children’s hospital so I def get you It’s very tranquil to be separated for all the shittiness of the world and surrounded by like minded people. You got this tho and their job is to teach you how to be as happy as you were in there outside. It takes a while to fully get but when you do, you’ll feel amazing.

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