Increased emotions

My little girl has seemed really out of character for the last week or so. But the last few days it’s been absolutely relentless! She is saying ‘no’ to everything, crying, screaming, upset, a lot of the time. I’m really aware that this is all normal behaviour for her age, but I can’t help but wonder if anything else is going on. She’s got oral thrush currently, and I think she’s teething, which I’m presuming could be the cause. But it seems SO much worse than anything before so I’m not sure! She’s also more tired than usual, but I’m reluctant to let her sleep for as long as she’d like because it affects bedtime. Not sure whether to take her to the gp and get her checked over. Now wondering if the irritable thing could be a UTI, but it’s really all guesswork! Any advice would be much appreciated!
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We are exactly the same, constant ‘no’s and very tearful. I’ve put it down to teething and what seems to be 3 months of bad sleep catching up with her, she’s knackered. You know LO best though, doesn’t hurt having them checked over if you’re worried

@Chloe thank you! This does make me feel better. She doesn’t sleep either so could absolutely be to do with that. It’s so hard to know when they can’t explain it yet! What have you done in terms of sleep? I’m wary to let her sleep longer as it really affects bedtime and wake ups!

@Xanthe it is hard! Few months ago she just started fighting naps, wouldn’t settle without us in the room, waking multiple times a night. She’s been poorly on and off and teething which hasn’t helped. We’ve now dropped the formal nap -she might sleep shortly in the car or pram for 20 mins or so but that’s it. We’ve also moved her into a double bed so that on the nights she’s not settling and up lots, I can get in with her. It’s not perfect, but I spent the better part of 3 months laying on her floor for hours on end and couldn’t do it anymore last week. I think it’s also partly been developmental, it seems to be common around this age for sleep to get a bit difficult!

@Erin thank you! This is reassuring! I hope she starts feeling better soon! X

@Chloe yes we’re also bed sharing for most of the night! It’s the only way she’ll sleep for longer than an hour! I think we’re probably heading towards the nap drop, but she also seems to really need it, so who knows!!

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