How many bottles is little one having now? You could keep the bedtime one in a bottle and then change the others to snacks instead of milk. That way yes you keep the bottle but it’s limited to only one drink a day xx
I was about to ask the same thing.. She’ll have water from 360 or the straw cup but anything else nope. Not sure what we can do other than keep offering.. Very open to suggestions!
Mine still uses both a straw cup and a baby bottle. On some days, he prefers the straw cup and on others, he wants his baby bottle. What I do is to offer him the straw cup more often so that when I completely take away the baby bottles, he won’t notice that much
I’m still using a bottle because in his cup he will have like one or two sips. I’m just trying to keep offering every single day and hopefully eventually he will transition but I’m also not putting a load of pressure on it. My dentist said the guidance is obviously to move away after 12 months but we can also focus on just having eliminated them by 2 years it’s fine so I know we still have time and babies change and develop literally overnight. I feel like it’ll just click the more I keep working on it x
No advice, my little is the same 😫 everyone keeps telling me not to worry, they’re still only little 🙈