Pain, bleeding and swelling after birth?
Looking for support and experience.
Had a very traumatic vaginal birth - ended with a 4cm episiotomy, a 2nd degree tear and forceps. I contracted an infection in my stitches a few days after birth, then another infection in my uterus 5 weeks later.
I’m now 8+ weeks pp and struggling a lot. I’m only just starting to do substantial activity and find I have increased pelvic and vaginal pain after. I also swell up around my vaginal opening.
My bleeding is still ongoing, albeit light. And my vaginal opening looks very different - it isn’t a “canal” anymore, but rather surrounded my flesh. Which I am extremely self conscious about, particularly the thought of having sex.
Please, please someone tell me when things improve. I’m completely traumatised by all of this. Any advice and reassurance most welcome.
Hi, I had very similar to you on my first baby. It may be that you have some kind of prolapse and that’s what the flesh you see could be. I had exactly the same kind of birth and have rectocele prolapse. You could ask to be refered to physio to have a look and let you know if that’s a possibility. X