@Elena I thought the same! Perhaps speak to a therapist
Do you drive ? I also hate dirty places/very germ conscious. I don't take public transport for these reasons. If not, would it be possible to learn at some point ? Driving (once used to it) might help ease some of the anxiety of being around a lot of people . But also yeah maybe look into some OCD/anxiety help tools. X
@Elena @Dominique thank you! I’ve had a read on this and it does sound like OCD. I will try speaking to a therapist. I appreciate you both taking the time to respond x
@Lauren Hi Lauren! Thank you for taking the time to respond. You are so right! Driving would really help. I don’t drive at the moment but I really need to start taking lessons etc. I’ve started to read on some OCD exercises that should take my mind off of things while out. I try to wear a mask (perfume scented) while out but it’s still the thought of stuff under my shoes, dirty seats on the bus etc lol Gosh! Unbelievable how these little things make me feel
I feel like this could be more likely OCD?