I’m EBF my baby, but i’m 6 weeks PP and would like to start to lose some baby weight. Has anyone done this successfully without affecting their supply??
i just focused on eating actual healthy meals (i know this is harder than it sounds) so that i wouldn’t snack as much and lost about 80% of the weight within 3 months. combined with a lot of walks. it did not affect my milk supply at all. i did freak out a little around the 3 month mark bc my supply dropped but that’s actually from my body regulating itself and knowing how much milk it needs. i went from oversupplier (leaking if i didn’t feed or pump every 2-3 hours) to having just a little over just enough.
i just focused on eating actual healthy meals (i know this is harder than it sounds) so that i wouldn’t snack as much and lost about 80% of the weight within 3 months. combined with a lot of walks. it did not affect my milk supply at all. i did freak out a little around the 3 month mark bc my supply dropped but that’s actually from my body regulating itself and knowing how much milk it needs. i went from oversupplier (leaking if i didn’t feed or pump every 2-3 hours) to having just a little over just enough.