we got our daughter one for her 2nd birthday and she absolutely loves it. it's cut screen time to pretty much zero for us. well worth the money i think xx
We got ours this year my girl will be 5 in a few weeks and have a 2 year old boy, they love it pick and choose what they want to listen and dance too
Daughter has it for her first birthday and she loves it. Uses it all the time x
Definitely worth every penny, LO has it every night, and takes it on sleep overs with him. Loves picking what he wants to listen too.
Our son got it when he turned two and loves it. As above he mainly loves controlling the songs and different tonies
Our daughter loves it! Got it last xmas and she plays with it daily still! And it gives you easy gift ideas for easter/bday etc just keep getting new characters 😆
Just jumping on this thread as someone recommended the ‘Yoto’ box to us and I’m torn between that and the tonies.. anyone have any opinion or view on which might be best? Thanks in advance
My son got his first his first birthday. He absolutely LOVES it!! He loves all the Disney Pixar characters he’s getting really good and using the features like skipping. He plays with it all day almost every day
Thank you all! We decided to go for it in the end, we couldn’t believe how many characters there are to choose from! Hoping she’s going to it 🥰
What characters have you gone for??
We went for Paddington, sleepy lullabies and songs, Iggle piggle, Elma and jungle book to start with! We tried to get a range of the stories/ adventures and songs!
Jungle book is my son's favourite 😅 the elephant march is played on repeat many many times 🤣
Got my son one last Christmas and he absolutely loves it still using it pretty much everyday. He loves having control and choosing which song to play and dance to