
Hi all, my baby has just turnt 6 months. He's a very hungry baby and for various reasons we started weaning him a couple of weeks ago but just on 4+ month purees. Which he's reacted really well to and eats a lot and super quickly! Now he's 6 months and is more used to eating, I have tried baby led weaning for the first time today but I've realised how terrified and anxious I am about him choking!!! I gave him slices of banana this morning and he was ok picking them up and putting them in his mouth but he didn't swallow loads but I made a lumpy puree with some broccoli and cauliflower this afternoon. But he coughed about ten times and he didn't swallow a lot bu I got to the stage where I wanted to just take it away. The thought of him choking is terrifying... How do you carry it on and get rid of this fear?? Can I just do purees for a while or is that silly!
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With my first I did a baby first aid course which covered choking and that made me feel a bit more confident. I’d also recommend the Solid Starts app for making sure you’re serving foods in the appropriate shape to minimise risk of choking. Worth noting that gagging is really common and is not the same as choking. If they are making a noise, that’s gagging and it’s actually good to let them work it out. If they’re choking they won’t make a noise x

@Anna all of this! 👆 we did an infant first aid course too. The solid starts website has a whole article about gagging vs choking. My eldest will be 3 next week and we only did BLW with her, she gagged on lots of things but has never choked on anything (probably going to jinx it now!). Gagging is a protective reflex to avoid choking. You can continue purées but really you need to have introduced finger foods by 8 months or the likelihood of choking becomes higher as the gag reflex isn’t as strong. I would go for the finger foods, the sooner you do it the quicker he will adjust. https://solidstarts.com/gagging/

If baby is sitting unsupported there is very small chance for him to choke, he will just gag as he is not used to that but will cough and get learn. They need this practice to learn things 🙂 it's very important that they sit on their own and has feet support on their chair 🙂

Thank you ladies, I really appreciate the comments and advice. I definitely think it's me just being nervous and over thinking the situation. Trying to do what I can to protect my baby but it needs to happen and he needs to learn. He was definitely gagging earlier and just coughing it up a little bit in my mind I was worried about him choking but I don't think he really could with how small the pieces were 😅 I will defo check out the app and courses. Thank you all 😊

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