Not putting him on the birth certificate does not mean he will never be allowed to get in contact and try to see the baby- however like I said, it does push back court proceedings for custody as he needs to go to court to get any parental rights and name on birth certificate first. I would recommend getting any evidence that you have for why you do not want him to be involved with the child together now, so if it goes to court you are prepared. Especially the asking for an abortion if you have any proof of that, i really am not sure if that would be enough to stop him seeing baby but at least you can prove he didn’t want baby in the first place. Honestly i’m just trying to figure out and navigate how the whole court system works myself so not too much help! If you need someone to message feel free to, both in similar boat❤️❤️xx
Thank you so much lovely ladies 🤍🤍🤍✨✨
I split up with my ex around 6 weeks ago- he showed in our relationship he was controlling and definitely had a temper. The final incident he followed me to my mums house in the car (even tho he doesn’t have a licence) and drove recklessly around me and braking etc. Anyway, I felt bad for not wanting him to be involved even though I know he’s not a good guy until I got in touch with the police and got a disclosure using claire’s law and found out many things cementing that he will not be around my child. Definitely recommend this! may be more evidence for u. I’ve spoken to a solicitor as he is being difficult about me getting my things back so i can prepare for baby and they have advised to make sure I do not put him on the birth certificate. This means he will have to go to the court to be put on the birth certificate before he can try for any custody. Atleast that pushes it back for a bit! Could do with some advice too so commenting so i will be reminded and can come back to look. xx