I typically kick my dog out of the kitchen because he's a big boy and lies in the way, so he's a tripping hazard. If we are eating he's not allowed near us, he's not allowed table scraps but a few occasions. He's a gassy boy and that stuff messes him up. If we decide to eat elsewhere, he will try to be close but I don't allow it. He's a great boy, and there have been times of temptation for him with food in my kids hands where he will sniff it but he has never actually taken from them without permission. I also don't allow them to touch him while they are eating, as this can confuse him to thinking hes allowed their food and also that's just gross, imo.
Our dog is a total sweetheart and doesn’t really care about anything. We let him in the kitchen (no way to block him out anyway unless he’s outside) and he usually just sits under the table near her chair waiting for her to drop things. We don’t let him lick her anywhere but the hands (and she gets cleaned up afterwards) just because we live in the country and we’ve seen him go for animals. We all play together and he does great. He really doesn’t care what she does to him and we let her feed him so they have a good relationship
My dog already cant be in the kitchen. She’s still a baby but so far its just no licking her face