When do they start eating more

We've been weaning for 5 weeks or so now, a mix of purees and BLW. Baby seems to love it, she's very happy, keeps going back for more, tries everything. However except for purees she's still not swallowing much I don't think. At what point do they start actually eating a bit more? And what were the signs they were ready for multiple meals a day?
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Mine didn’t want BLW for about a month but suddenly decided its all she wants and eats massive amounts (she is 7 months old). Keep offering together with purees and she will get there. My older son wasn’t interested until 8 months. Regarding the number of meals if she happily eats her food I would add it. My girl is on 3.

I did a mix in the beginning and then only BLW. I noticed a significant increase at 9m and then at 11 again.

I have an 11 month old that just figured out chewing and pacing himself about a month ago. Mostly naturally but slightly my fault. He eats a lot. But it'll prolly be 13 or 14 months in before he dosnt have any more bottles

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