18 days old - just over 4oz every 3 hours
Sometimes she has 5oz every 3-4 hours or 4oz every 2 hours she’s 1 month old
4 weeks and having 5oz every 3-4 hours, sometimes less time between 🙈
Same as Kristen, 4 weeks old and taking anything from 3-5oz per feed, completely led by how much she wants
3 weeks old and taking 4oz every 3 hours
Thanks all, just curious to know! He is 5 weeks currently
5 weeks old and taking 6oz every 3-4 hours but he will go between 5-7 hours at night
Almost 6 weeks and I’m around 4oz tried 5oz just gave him upset belly as was too much rather feed little and often x
6.5 weeks and about 4oz but went through a phase a couple of weeks ago of taking almost 5oz! Had a massive growth spurt then
4 weeks old on 4oz/5oz every 2-3 hours still 😴…. Xx
Mine is a week old and having 1-2oz every 2hours. He can’t take any more than that otherwise he refuses or vomits 🤮