My little girl still uses her dummy. She’s sooooooo attached to it it’s unreal So your doing good if she only has it on a night xxx
@Stacey thanks hun. It's their comfort. Sometimes, we forget they are still small and need comforts. I just know it's time for her to stop now xx
My little girl is also 3.5, I took hers away November 30th (she only had it to sleep) and said she had to give all her dummies away for the elves to take them and make them new for all the Christmas babies, as she’s a big girl. She got a present left in their place December 1st. First 2 nights she was fine, next 2 were horrendous, she did not know how to relax without it, bed late and wakes in the night. Next couple of days just early wakes. Now it takes her a little longer than before to go asleep but she’s back to sleeping through :). X
We ditched it in October, because he was progressively getting more attached to it and it was creeping back into the day rather than strictly at night. Took him to build a bear and he chose a special new bear to shut them inside. We did a lot of talking about it before and that was his choice, rather than give them away, throw them away etc etc. It was SO much easier than I thought it would be. A couple of nights with some tears but no proper meltdowns about it. Longer to get to sleep, but he managed just fine. A couple more days where he mentioned/asked for it, but no tears. And then poof, like it never even existed. You can do it! Lots of positive changes since we got rid.
Sorry to jump in here but we’re in the same boat! I tried the Santa thing but it didn’t work as she just couldn’t get to sleep without the dummy just lay there for over two hours both nights until I caved and gave her one! For those that managed - how did you get them to actually fall asleep without it?!
We recently got rid of it ( she had just for naps and bedtime ) we used the fairy’s. She came home and she had a mermaid present ( that she asked the fairy’s for ) and the dummy’s cut at the top ( not sure if this is traumatising 😅 ) but still seeing the dummy and feeling it I think made the transition easy. She attempted to try and suck then threw it when she realised it was pointless. She now sleeps with the toy that the ‘dummy fairy’s’ gave her Does take her a little longer than the dummy but overall was smooth tbf ( I expected worse )
@Rhea just had to push through. I took it end of November and just never gave it back. She’s fine now! Not gonna lie first week was HORRENDOUS x
@Leanne thanks so much we are 3 nights in and she just won’t sleep for hours and then wakes up super early!!! Feel bad as she had it for 3.5 years and it must be so hard to get used to but hopefully will be fine soon!
@Rhea I’m sure in time she’ll get better! Took my girl a week! I was expecting wakes in the night asking for it but she never did that! Just took aaaages to settle to fall asleep x
Thanks Leanne, she is so stubborn, still takes agesss to fall asleep and keeps asking for it.. it’s almost been two weeks now 🫢 she has a little one year old brother who has a dummy so I think she sees his and gets tempted 😂
@Rhea aww bless! I must admit my little girl was very good as I have 9 month old twins who have dummies and she’s never asked for theirs! She only asked for it a handful of times after it was taken away! Keep going it’ll he worth it ha! Xx
@Leanne aww good girl! Gosh, the twins must be keeping you on your toes!! Thanks for the advice x
She will be excited for Santa! Get a freezer bag and let her decorate the bag and have a bow - on Xmas even she puts them in the bag and leaves them next to the milk & cookies for Santa to take for the other little boys and girls who need dummies Wouldn’t be embarrassed. Every kid grows at a different rate. My LB gave up his dummies only a few months ago (now 3.5) and it was just because I was to lazy to find one for bedtime so told him he didn’t need it lol