Sudden panic

I’m 33 weeks pregnant. Me and my husband wanted this baby and we put measures in place to track and conceive. I’ve had a fairly easy pregnancy and have been very happy and excited with everything up until right now. I’m in a sudden panic that my whole life will change, I won’t have any freedom, as much disposable cash, I will have to look after this child for the rest of my life and I don’t know if I’m going to be a good mum. I will be covered in sick and poo and won’t have time to shower or wash my hair. It sounds so bad but I have a small feeling of regret. Please tell me I’m not the only one and this is normal. Anyone else suddenly feeling like this?
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Oh god, I feel exactly the same!! I've wanted a baby for as long as I can remember, and this was very much planned and I've been so excited most of my pregnancy, but now I'm having a sudden panic like... I actually have to look after this baby forever 🙈 Everyone keeps telling me I'll be a great mum, and that I'll feel sooo much love towards him... But I think that just adds to the pressure! What if I'm a shit mum and don't feel anything? 😂 I know it's just pregnancy hormones.... And I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine 👀 We're all in this together... We've got this 💪🏻

@Louise thank you for commenting! It’s such a relief I’m not the only person with these thoughts. I’ve also wanted this baby forever and had 2 losses so I should be grateful and feel so bad for feeling this way! I’m sure we will be fantastic mums! But it’s also things like, at my baby shower a friends 2 year old knocked a whole pint of beer over my dress and everyone’s only comment was like, well, better get used to this, which didn’t help when my dress was ruined and all I wanted to do was burst into tears and when baby’s cry in public, my friends all say, this will be you soon, that makes me panic 😱 What am I getting myself in for!

@Charlotte thank you! Your words really put it into perspective. I think I’m having a moment of panic! I’ve wanted this forever and everything in my life is good right now so it’s not like I won’t give him a loving, safe home. Congratulations on your daughter. Wish you the best.

I had all the same worries and then they just go eventually. We had our baby girl and I think it improved our lives for the better and then 9 months postpartum I was willingly pregnant again and we are due in 4 weeks with this one! Having some of the fear/what have we done?! Thoughts again this time but now I know it's only temporary and think we only feel this way BECAUSE we are good mums and want to be our best, also we are only human so of course we are going to have thoughts about missing our life where we could be a bit more selfish but honestly it's all worth it and as Charlotte said you just find your groove and get on with it in a way you didn't even think you could. Hormones and how they make us feel are crazy, don't be too hard on yourself 😀 x

I feel like I’ve just read about myself. Partner and I wanted a family. I have health issues which apparently would make conceiving difficult. But never in a million years did we think we’d catch as quickly as we did. I’m a week away from having the babies, and I’m on such an emotional rollercoaster. Panicking so so much, scared, worried, frightened, unhappy. I’ve got so many emotions running through my head.

Thanks everyone. I’ve slept on it and feel a bit better. I guess this is a normal feeling a lot of expecting mums face. It’s hard to know what to expect and how you will be until your baby arrives. I hope to god I can give him the best life and that I won’t be pulling my hair out with stress and regret 😅 Helps getting it off my chest!

I feel the exact same, I’m so worried. I read somewhere that you’re basically mourning your old life, and saying goodbye to it. It kinda sums up how I feel!! It’s nice coming on here to feel normal about it 🫶🏻

@Kelsey I think this is the root cause of my emotional turmoil too. For years I’ve had the luxury of just doing what I want, when I went, buying what I want & etc. Now, that all changes in a few wks time with 2 babies coming.

When my first was born, a few days later (when the euphoria settled down) it hit me "omg, this is it - that's my life now and there is no going back" and it was a shock and I did mourn my life before becoming a mother but for the past nearly 3 years that little human has brought so much meaning in my days that I find myself looking at a toddler in awe and wondering why I didn't have children sooner 🥰

Yes some parts of parenting are hard but the joy that baby will bring you will make it all worth it. Having disposable income is worth nothing compared to the joy they will bring you 🥰 I think it's perfectly natural to worry about the unknown. Have faith in yourself you thought this all through initially and despite your losses you kept going because you knew it was what you wanted

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