Wanna help your kids reach their fullest potential?? Here’s how…
I noticed it when she was just 3.
A flower my daughter drew—simple, yet full of potential (Original Pic in comments🥲).
I spoke life into her gift.
I didn’t ask if she could be an artist one day.
I affirmed it…DAILY.
I focused on her gift and aligned my words, actions, and energy to help her become what was already inside of her.
Seeing her artwork today, moved me to tears.
Khari turns 10 next month and will be officially beginning art school. She has her second business opportunity for @kharikreates in February….She’ll be selling her art again at the children’s business fair.
Moms, we’re naturals at seeing everyone else’s potential.
We nurture, we uplift, and we sacrifice.
But what about you?
What dreams, what gifts, what you have been left sitting inside you, waiting for someone to affirm?
Here’s the truth: You don’t need anyone else to see it first.
You can speak life over your own dreams.
You can take aligned action to bring them to life.
Because when you come alive, your kids don’t just watch—they learn.
Join me in my “She’s Alive”: 4-Day Challenge to reclaim your dreams and your spark.
It’s your time to become who you were always meant to be.
Tap the link to claim your spot before Friday, doors close at 2p est>>>
Your future self—and your kids—will thank you.