Starting solids

When have yall started solids? I feel like mine is almost ready but I’m not sure and I also don’t know where to start. He watches me eat and he can mostly support himself sitting but he has no teeth. I don’t know if teeth are a requirement or what but I’ve heard lots of conflicting things like starting with bone broth vs vegetables like celery vs purées and I am just overwhelmed.
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Download the Solid Starts app. It helped me tremendously with my first baby. It keeps track of what you’ve tried and prep instructions at each stage. Super helpful. As for us - we won’t be starting until 6 months as there is really no benefit to the gut before then and food before 1 is just for fun so we’re not in a rush.

I agree with the solid starts app. But to add to that they don’t need teeth the gums are super strong to mash things. You can start with puree if you want then Change the texture to slightly chunky to chunky to full item like carrot or potato. They can eat what you eat just it’s how it’s served. There is a BLW group in this app if you want to join.

We were cleared by our pediatrician to start purées at 5 months and still have a couple of weeks until then, but I want to wait until he’s not leaning so much while sitting. I would say I’m using the Solid Starts app as a reference guide but they recently locked a good part of behind a pay wall. Before you used to be able to search a food item and see how to serve it?’, but now you’re limited to 6 free searches. I’ve heard the BLW meals app is a comparable database but i haven’t checked it out yet.

We got the green light to start single ingredient solids. I’ve been doing my own purées at home. Was told to start with banana, avocado, pear, and sweet potato. We’ve also tried a little carrot and butternut squash. My little one is 20 weeks.

I let him teeth on hard foods and just started giving him a few spoonfuls of rice cereal.

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