1 or 2-oz freezer trays! You can find dozens of them on Amazon. You won't be using a lot of puree at first. A few spoonfuls if that. 1-2 oz is normal at first, and you can up it as many ounces as needed as you go. I used them for the first 3-4 months, batch made my purees weekly, and it barely took any time out of my day at all. I would just pop a couple out the night before for the next day's meal. Game changer!
Thank you all! Definitely will start with something smaller like the freezer trays, then move onto the bigger containers like suggested when bubs eats more. 🫣
If you’re making your own, I’m gonna be using the infanto squeeze station and it gives you pouches to store with little attachable spoons for the baby to eat from the pouches