My LO is on purées at the moment and feeds himself (well tries to) and doesn’t like it when we try to feed him. Not sure if this is fairly normal? With your LOs, are you putting their plate/bowl in front of them? I’ve seen BLW videos and there doing this, but my boy puts his whole face in the bowl. We’re therefore keeping his food away and just loading his spoon and giving it to him. Any ideas of what I can do to help him with self feeding/explore food without getting his head in a mess?
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You may not like this advice but honestly? The best way for baby to explore food is to make a mess. It's going to be bad. You'll be cleaning food off the floor. You'll suddenly realize the value of bathing daily. Cleaning up after every meal seems like a nightmare at first. But you get in the rhythm of it and it gets easier. Babies are supposed to explore with their hands, faces, mouths. Getting messy helps them get used to the tastes and textures of food. It's a lot to clean up at first, but kids who don't get dirty are known to become more fussy eaters over time and very particular about tastes and textures. I'd say give him the chance to get messy! Food will be wasted. So what. It's all part of the process, I'm afraid!

@Melissa thank you for this, needed to hear it ❤️

@Meera no worries! Keep showing him what to do and modelling for him. Eat together and show him how you use your spoon. He will pick it up! ☺️

Sounds like you have a stubborn one on your hands tbh, some babies just refuse to be fed and insist on doing it themselves from the get go. 😂

This is completely normal! Don't worry. Agree with Melissa 100% with weaning you just have to give in to the inevitable mess that's about to unfold! My baby took a while to get into food but the more I let her play and make mess the more she enjoys her food! I don't use a plate atm as she manages to pick at the suction ones! Sometimes instead of eating with her hands she'll just put her mouth straight to the high chair tray and lick or just eat off the tray with her mouth 😆🤦🏽‍♀️ she makes a right mess lol BUT she enjoys her food and has fun. Sounds like you son wants to be independent so start off with some veg and let him eat himself. Or try cutting up some fruit and dipping into the puree so he can eat the fruit and puree. When you have a morning/afternoon free give him a puree & spoon and let him go for it and make a mess. He'll have fun, you'll be entertained but most importantly he'll start learning new skills. You got this 🙌🏾

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