@Genevieve oh wow!! What an experience! Thanks for sharing that ☺️ gives me hope that it can happen in the first try. The success rates of IUI are so discouraging
I think the success rates are skewed because it’s used as a first step when the cause of infertility is unknown. If the cause of infertility is that the sperm isn’t making it to the egg, then IUI should work. If the issue is something else that won’t be solved by helping the sperm reach the egg, then it’s not going to work but both groups are lumped together in the stats. I hope you are part of the former group and have a successful IUI 💕
Yes! I conceived my twins on my first round of IUI. I technically had “unexplained infertility” but my doctor suspected it was from some scarring on my cervix that was the result of a colposcopy I had in my early 20s. The scar tissue was basically acting as a sperm goalie. I didn’t take any drugs to promote egg growth, so the second egg was growing naturally. When the egg they were monitoring was big enough, and it was time to take the ovidrel, they told me that the other one was too small to be fertilized and would just be absorbed into the uterine lining 😅