I just finished weening over the last couple months. We co-sleep. When she wakes up I lay her on my shoulder and rock her a little. She hated it at first but became accustomed to it after a week of doing it consistently. Just be consistent with your new soothing technique and they will adapt.
@Melissa let us know how you get on!
I don't have any advice, just here to say I am in the same boat with my 15 month old. I nursed to sleep until yesterday. I also co-sleep. I decided I was sick of being a pacifier lol. So now he gets 10 minutes to nurse before bed and then we lay together and he eventually falls asleep. I am hoping that he will be able to put himself back to sleep when he comes wakes in the middle of the night, instead of using my boob to go back to sleep. My fingers are crossed. I don't mind BFing before nap and bedtime for a few more months, just need the frequent wakes and human pacifier stuff to stop.