Tight/pressure feeling (26weeks)

Hey guys, I’m feeling a tight/pressure like feeling just underneath my sternum bone… when I’ve spoken to midwives they seem to think it’s heartburn but we all know the feeling of heartburn very well and I know it’s not that. I feel like it’s maybe my skin and muscles stretching but Im just curious to know if any of you ladies have had the same sort of feeling. Seems to be worse in certain positions but I’m perfectly ok when laying on my side. I will say I’m very slim and haven’t been gifted in the breast department. However pregnancy has very much blessed me with a lovely large very heavy pair of 🍒. And thought maybe it could be the pressure of those but I have no clue TIA
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Yes I’ve had it. I’ve also posted before to see if anyone else has had it and some people said they had. But no one seems to know why or what it is! My midwife also didn’t know and said maybe something to do with heart burn too. But it’s defo not, it’s like a pulling/crawling/vibrating sensation? I can’t really describe it. I’ve had it since really early in pregnancy and it got worse and almost constant the heavier I became, into third trimester. The only time I’ve noticed it start to go away was the last couple of weeks after I have started maternity leave! So I’ve concluded I think it was caused by muscle strain from working / sitting in my office chair at my desk!

@Sara thank you for replying! Honestly I thought I was just being weird and that it wasn’t normal. Glad someone else is on the same page as me ❤️❤️

Yeah I have had this even now I got it it’s just the milk supply coming in maybe they tend to out pressure on you even with all your body adjusting too

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