We tried last month and it was a massive fail, I've put it down to not ready yet, I'll try again in the new year, there's going to be lots going on over the next few weeks so that's not going to help :P
@Fatoumatta it’s so frustrating when do they do this, I’ll be even telling my girl to go but she’s stubborn and has an accident 5 minutes later I told her to go 😭
My eldest daughter was easy compared to her sister, after 2 months of accident and once being consistent was trained within a week when she decided to go herself
I tried a few months ago and she done it a few times, then stopped. I knew she wasn’t fully ready I think the next few months they’ll get a better understanding. Keep doing what you’re doing, it’ll start to fall into place when they’re ready individually ☺️ x
I have tried and failed. He just doesn’t tell me he wants to use the potty, I tried over the summer as well and put him on the potty every half hours asking him if he wants to use the toilet but to no avail, he’s just not ready
My son will stand in a corner and tell you he is pooing but if I take him to the toilet to get him do it then he just keeps laughing and finds it funny