Formula - please help

So I've been EBF and my supply has tanked, I'm super stressed with going back to work and she also bit me the other day which has got to me mentally, scared she's going to do it again! Anyway! We used a little bit of Formula before so I know she'll take it, can you all send me your bottle routines and how many Oz? Tbh over the last month she wasn't a bit boobie feeder anyway! So I'm thinking two bottles should be okay, morning and night 🤷🏼‍♀️ do you give them a bottle before breakfast or after? TIA
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She also doesn't wake up screaming for milk or a bottle 🤷🏼‍♀️

How close is she from to being 1? You could make the switch to whole milk/alternative milk a little sooner rather than establish a new routine with formula before having to make the switch again!

@Emily She's a boxing day baby, so not long.. however don't you have to switch to whole milk gradually??

Most babies this age seem to be on 2 or 3 bottles. We offer 3 x 7oz but probably drinks 5-6 on average but Ive heard EBF dont need more than 4oz

Honestly, I’d be really tempted to get in touch with your HV about it. I haven’t made the switch as I’m still breastfeeding, but I have friends that made the switch to whole milk during the 11th month, with support/guidance from HV. If you give vitamins already as she’s breastfed, and she eats well, she might be okay x

My girl isn’t on any bottles any more she’s weaned her self off them and just on 3 meals and 2 snacks, they don’t need milk from 1 it has no nutritional value to them x

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