How close is she from to being 1? You could make the switch to whole milk/alternative milk a little sooner rather than establish a new routine with formula before having to make the switch again!
@Emily She's a boxing day baby, so not long.. however don't you have to switch to whole milk gradually??
Most babies this age seem to be on 2 or 3 bottles. We offer 3 x 7oz but probably drinks 5-6 on average but Ive heard EBF dont need more than 4oz
Honestly, I’d be really tempted to get in touch with your HV about it. I haven’t made the switch as I’m still breastfeeding, but I have friends that made the switch to whole milk during the 11th month, with support/guidance from HV. If you give vitamins already as she’s breastfed, and she eats well, she might be okay x
My girl isn’t on any bottles any more she’s weaned her self off them and just on 3 meals and 2 snacks, they don’t need milk from 1 it has no nutritional value to them x
She also doesn't wake up screaming for milk or a bottle 🤷🏼‍♀️