I started with yogurt, then veggies then fruits
I started with sweet potato, apples and bananas most babies usually like those 3 flavors mines only loves sweet potatoes and I have to make it like this: 4 ounces of water then I put 2-3 tablespoons of the sweet potato baby food then I put half of his baby formula in his bottle then mix it up otherwise he won’t eat it mixed with water and the baby food I have to add the baby formula
But the sweet potato is my son’s favorite
Has anyone done avocado in the beginning? My mom was a nurse but she’s also old school and was worried about fresh items that could make him sick
@Jen i give my lo avocado, it should be safe!
@Jen I did avocado as my sons first food
@Jen I gave my baby avocado and should be fine.
We did oatmeal cereal for the first “solid” and then after that we’ve tried pureed sweet potato (which she’s obsessed with!), carrot, strawberry, banana, yogurt, and apple. I just feed her with the spoon and then if she wants to feed herself I’ll give the spoon to her. We ordered a combination steamer and pureer on Amazon and so far it’s worked well. For storage we just use tiny pyrexes. Her pediatrician just told us to bump her up to 3x a day for solids so I’m thinking to order some actual small jars to store so I can manage the portions better. I hope this helps and have so much fun!!