@Elissa maybe! Would you try again with the same thing next then or something different? Like should I give her pancakes again in the morning or maybe something else like toast? X
You should give her another fruit one week and then the next week try the banana again or the fruit or food she wasn’t feeling.
Maybe try substituting pancakes with an egg 🥚
@Eviee she’s normally fine with banana she’s had it like this or in spears multiple times 🙃 I think it was the pancakes that put her off I guess!
@Erika Michelle we are trying egg this weekend when her dads home as we haven’t tested the allergy yet 🤞🏻 x
@Toni Babies go through phases of liking things they’ve liked before lol. She could not like pancakes now and like pancakes a few weeks from now ya know? Same with bananas. It’s normal, that’s why I recommend switching on and off with foods. 😊
Just a shot in the dark but could be teething, my son would cry and eat at the same time. In particular when I first introduced more solid foods. It was obviously pushing down more on his gums. Like when they go crazy with a teething ring. He did that a few times at the start
Sounds like she’s teething and the solid foods are hurting her teeth so I’m sure it will pass. My boy is 16 months and has 2 teeth coming through and has come up in a bright red teething rash on his face the last 2 evenings at meal times
Maybe she just wasn't keen on the texture especially if she's been used to purees and much softer foods. The more exposure the better so don't be discouraged!