I don't know exactly what I want from this post but I feel so so low that is scary. I feel like i can't even share this with anyone I know. I keep crying and hurts my heart my baby just stares at me as if she knows mummy is not well.

I don't know what to do or if this is even normal ... It's like I'm slowly giving up on life. This is not only affecting me mentally but also physically as I barely sleep, baby wakes up countless time during the night. I'm so so tired and feel so lonely 😭
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As mentioned in previous comment. You should speak with GP or HV before you mental ilness will take all of your happinnesd. They won't judge, they will help you. A lot of mums are tired, emotionally drained, depressed. But definitely seek for some help, because this feeling won't go away alone hun. If you need rant some more feel free to message me ;)

Sending you a massive hug! You're not alone and there are people who can help you. I would really encourage you to speak to your HV or GP - it is there job to provide support and a safe space for you to share how you feel. They will look after you and help you. If you don't feel like you can reach out to them yet, maybe try contacting the samartians on 116 123. It's totally free and they are just there to listen to you. You are so strong for reaching out on here and I hope you can get more support xx

Don't feel bad. Sometimes we end up feeling low for no reason. I've just been discharged from the perinatal team and my mum works in the team too. I've been diagnosed for 8/9 years and am happy to chat in detail if you need. Please do reach out for help even if it's the GP. Sending love ❤️

Sending you hugs, please self refer to perinatal mental health team they're amazing at supporting us mums. And speak to your GP or HV as advised above. Take care

I’m a mental health professional. Feelings of helplessness, overwhelm, lowness - it’s what your GP and HV are there to help with. You’ve done really well posting this - that’s a first step! Next is to prepare to speak to the professional - id recommend writing some things down in case you go blank when you see them. You’re not the first to have this conversation with them but they are a caring profession and are there to help you 🫶🏽

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