Try swaddling him with a blanket. We do this with my little one as he goes into an active sleep and wakes himself up. So we swaddle him with a blanket and he stays asleep 7:30-11ish until he has his next bottle. This is when I then take the blanket away. We keep a super close eye on him as he can roll side to side but not over yet. But we’ve had no issues and found it’s really helped him sleep through too the next bottle! xx
@Simone between 7:15-7:45, I aim for 7:30. That’s not something I’ve considered! Thank you for the suggestion
@Evie it might not work but might be worth trying a little later or if possible keep the early bed time and drop a nap maybe? My little one goes through phases of doing it too and I just play around with bedtime a bit to see if anything changes it. Its so hard to work it out though.
@Evie I had the same problem when my daughter was that age! I ended up pushing her bedtime back to about 8:30 and she started sleeping through☺️ though she’s never been much of a scheduled napper and wake windows have never been consistent with her!
But what if they give every indication that they are very ready for sleep at a certain time? Is the recommendation still to try to push the bedtime back?
This was happening to us too. On Monday he was so sleepy around 5:30 so let him have another nap and later bedtime of 8/8:30…best thing we ever did as he slept till 1am. I was shocked. Tonight he slept till gone 2am. Hoping it’s not just a fluke and continues to get better. So maybe try a later bedtime and I hope it works for you x
What time is bed time? Is he maybe going to bed too early the initial time and thinks it's a nap?