I feel this! Same shit different day Also doesn’t help it gets dark so early so the nights feel like that they go on forever Everyone says to embrace the newborn stage but I can’t wait for him to sleep through the night and be more interactive in his wake windows. 4 week PP tomorrow. I’ve been anxious about going out alone but took a walk with baby to the corner shop yesterday and it was fine. I made sure he was fed and changed first and then he fell asleep in the pram. Also c-section.
It’s easier said than done, but just force yourself to go out and you’ll likely feel so much better for it. Choose a day that’s dry, change baby’s nappy and feed him, hold him upright for however long is necessary, and then get him wrapped up warm and pop him in the pram and get out there. Even if you start with just a 10 minute walk, you’ll find the fresh air makes you feel so much better. If you’re just taking a short walk, you won’t need to take anything much with you. Is there someone who can come with you? I felt a lot more confident doing the first few trips out with some company. It feels so relentless in these early days but getting out of the house will be so good for your mental health. Good luck 💜
I started feeling like you described and also started going out more often. As avery active person usually and a person who was always working, staying at home with a newborn was very depressing. It's true it's not helping that it's getting dark so quickly. I dress my baby well put universal futmuff and a blanket and wego outside. Baby sleeps non stop in the buggy. I also had a swelling in my feet and ankles from preeclampsia but since being more active it disappeared. I also had c section almost 5 weeks ago. Just do what you feel is right for you and your mental health. It is true in my opinion that a happy mummy is a happy baby. Take care 🤗
C section here too so not driving yet. Same here with sleep. When I get 3 hrs straight, that's good. I mainly leave the house to go for a walk or to a cafe.