Get nursery on board if possible and get them to write a report/plan for him and if possible fill out a sensory profile with them. This is so helpful for understanding his needs and how to meet them. Unfortunatelt professionals will take schools and nursery's more seriously than us parents. I'm a teacher myself and will talk knowledgeably about my child and what they need but they never take me seriously until I say "and this is what the school thinks."
@Jo Thanks, Jo! This is so helpful! I’ll give the ear defenders a try. I suspect he may have some sensory needs as well, and will bring this up with our doctor at our next appointment.
@DorothylanM most children with adhd has some sensory needs and a lot of typical adhd behaviours are due to sensory overwhelm. so it's definitely worth looking into and discussing 😊
This sounds like he has some sensory needs. My little boy doesn't have a diagnosis but we suspect dyspraxia and adhd. He has a lot of sensory challenges including not liking being in loud, busy places such as supermarkets and school playground. We have ear defenders to block out some noise and to help regulate him, we remove him from the situation if he's not coping well or try to avoid taking him at all if we know he will react badly to it. Look out for other sensory seeking or avoiding behaviours linked to adhd such as him making noises to cover up the other noise, chewing, banging, crashing, interrupting, spontaneous talking, excessive talking, invading space ect and take notes. I've got a phone full of notes on various areas so that when I go to an appointment I can get it out and go though it, take photos and videos to show too of 'unusual' behaviour.