She doesn’t have any teeth yet. Im kinda scared to give other stuff besides baby food
Despite not having teeth they can eat pretty well. It is scary at first. Just make sure you steam veg and either puree it or cut it into small pieces. We only pureed food for the first month and then just gave ours steamed veg/fruit, bits of our food. Initially I made him separate food like broccoli and cheese tater tots and stuff 😅
Cut veggies into small cubes and boil til soft
Teeth are actually irrelevant when it comes to eating solid food. They can use their gums which are surprisingly really strong! Solid Starts has some sample schedules by age. Basically you just want to make sure baby isn’t either too full or too hungry when it’s time for solids, since formula or breastmilk remains the main source of nutrition until 12 months. Typically a milk feed 45 minutes or so before solids works well.
Their gums are strong!! My daughter been having chicken, other meat, rice , bread etc just normal food since she was 6 months. Have you got any weaning books. You can buy second hand on vinted and Facebook and they have good info and guides. It's best not to leave it too long but completely get the anxiety but they have a more sensitive gag reflex when young babies so less likely to choke. Your schedule will depend on age of baby but also how far in the weaning journey you are. Pick one meal e.f breakfast or dinner and give her version of what you eat. Solid starts is a good webpage that teaches you how to serve food appropriately depending on age x
Bottle at 2am (only night feed), breakfast at 9am, bottle at 10/10:30, lunch at 12:30/1, bottle at 3:30/4, dinner at 5/5:30, bedtime bottle at 7/7:30. Breakfast is either; toast, muffin, yogurt, porridge, beans on toast. Lunch is; carrot and potato tots, fritters, croquettes, pasta. Dinner is whatever I had the night before; shepherds pie, spaghetti bolognaise, roast dinner, pasta, pie etc x
How old is she? You can just give her bits of what you're eating. Finger shaped foods so cut carrots into Julien, strips of meat, cucumber fingers 6 month old tonight had some pasta, broccoli and sausage for dinner, followed by some banana
Try not to over think it momma !! Don’t feel bad I was absolutely so nervous to start introducing solids . Mine was on baby food for the longest time. When my first started solids we did baby food until around 12 months . With meal times of Breakfast pure wake-up time, Lunch at 12:00. Then dinner six . Mine was on formula until 12 months. Formula is where they get main nutrients until 12 months .I did snacks in between like puffs yogurt melts , and teething cookies. As for table food . We started with mashed potatoes. Peas , corn. Worked our way up . Grilled cheeses.
I just started with mashing up what we were having. Just making sure the veggies were always cooked and other foods cut up well or mashed
I found it took the stress off. Don’t fuss too much about getting the most nutritious foods every single meal. I found my lo took to food once she was weaned more and we haven’t had problems with picky eating because she just ate what we ate. No stress
Formula is still a staple. But you can wait longer in between bottles now(: if you’re feeding food. So instead of every 3 hours. You can do every 5 hours. If you’re giving baby meals in between!