Combi feeding schedule

Does anyone have their combi feeding from birth schedule? I know every baby is different but just so we have a rough idea 🥰 Can you do every other bottle formula? Can you offer formula till your milk comes in and then start introducing pumped milk?
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Our LO was a big boiii so we did 90ml every 3 hours. You can do formula/ breast milk whenever you want. We started with whatever I pumped topped to 90 with formula. For example I could pump 50 then did 40 formula. You might choose to wait until you’ve pumped enough for a full feed and then do a whole bottle breast milk! Up to you. Now, I find it easier to pump a full feed instead of trying to do both each feed. Saves on the bottle washing too

@Jade Thank you so much for replying! Did you pump from birth? My plan was to pump and when I have enough do 1 feed breast milk, then the next formula and so on! If I can obvs produce enough, would that work? 😂 I’m so new to this, our first baby was just formula fed but this baby is measuring very small so we have been advised to look into breastfeeding/formula

I started about a week in because baby was loosing weight from just breastfeeding. You can deffo alternate if you can pump enough. I would say just don’t stress about pumping constantly - I found it overwhelming! Especially at night, aim for at least one night pump but don’t worry about pumping every feed because it can be really tiring. Also, don’t think that by introducing formula it means you won’t be able to fully give breast milk at some point. You can keep increasing your supply. You can offer the boob at night for comfort or if you’re home all day and want to offer it and then still give them a bottle so you know they’re getting enough. There’s a lot of options - the nursing nurses should be able to help but I found the doctors were a bit more methodical and made it seem like I had to stop putting him on the breast

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