If it’s a projectile vomit you might need to contact your pediatrician to see if it could be pyloric stenosis!
If it happens after every feed
Following this. I’m in a very similar situation and pediatrician is no help (we’re switching dr.)
Same with Ashlyn. All her dr said was to burp her after every oz , but it’s hard to do that when she’s bawling her eyes out cause she wants to eat.
My baby does a lot of spit up. Is your baby gaining weight?
@Dezarae did they ever confirm if it was a milk allergy? if the spit up started after you started giving him breast milk again and you were eating dairy when you pumped that milk, that might be it. what kind of bottles is he using? that could be it too if the flow is too fast he may be drinking to fast. i’d also talk to his doctor though in case it is the formula.
@Jody my baby used to do the same she would SCREAM when i’d try to burp her. so now i just feed her sitting up, use slow flow nipples on her bottle and i burp her halfway (or when i see she isn’t eating as eagerly like not super super hungry anymore) and leave her sitting up for at least 15 minutes before laying her down and that has helped tremendously.
@Dezarae my daughter is currently doing the same thing, she has reflux and is taking famotidine, we switched her milk almost 5 times ! Trying enfamil ar today. It’s designed for babies with reflux and helps with spitting up
@vanessa ugh that hasn’t helped at all , she still manage to throw up a little but we’re working on it , I’ll try using ur technique with the half way tho and see if that helps
@Jody what bottles is she using? is she having any other symptoms or just the spit up?
Most likely it’s the milk, if he throws up every bottle and can’t hold it down no matter if u switch bottles or change nipple size then it’s the formula.
@vanessa Phillip Avent and just throw up , she finds it funny too cause she smiles afterwards. I’m currently going on 10 mins now though without throw up so I think we’re making progress
They never confirmed his milk allergy his doctor went based off one of my other kids because I do have one that’s lactose and one that’s allergic to milk .. he’s using MAM bottles which I do think the flow is really fast but he won’t take nuk or tommie tippe …
Sounds like reflux possibly
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@Gaby my son was in famotidine and we switched to AR. Total game changer. But verify with your Dr if you should keep him on the meds it if you’re switching to AR. We were told the two cancel each other out and to stop the meds
did you put him on this formula for any specific reason? how much is he drinking and how often? also, does he drink it really fast? is it like spit up or projectile vomiting?