@Abbie I'm crying, I cried with my partner, with my sister, and today I just found out 🥺
My question is, if my eggs were fertilized on November 5th and implanted on November 26th, how pregnant am I? Do I count from when they were fertilized or from when they were implanted?
@MK Thank you so much
@Artemisa congratulations. As for your question, they count from implantation date. Until you have an ultrasound dating
@Kai I wrote to my fertility doctor and he said he will see me on the 13th.
@Artemisa that's good, they'll get a date at that ultrasound and then give you options for referrals to OBs
I had never seen my partner so happy, we almost gave up and were about to look into surrogacy.
congratulations!!!! thats awesome🎉🎉🎉✨️✨️✨️