Definitely be in the room if you can, be his comfort the best you can... I'm honestly shocked they aren't using some sort of sedation though. Laughing gas works for some kids but others struggle to breathe through their nose with the nose piece so then it doesn't work.
@Sierra thank you so much. Was the removal experience similar to what the dentist described? Did he care about it before his adult teeth came in?
@Sierra yea I was hoping for some sedation options too. She said at his age he would be pulling the laughing gas from his nose and it wouldnt work. And my husband and I will both definitely be there so no one is doing this alone.
Recently went though this with my 4 year old. She chipped a front tooth shortly after we moved into our new home. Dentist kept an eye on it up until this past summer, itt finally started to discolor so we made the decision to have it pulled. Preparing her took the most time but once she was calm enough to get started she got through the novacaine and extraction like a champ without the laughing gas or sedation. Our pediatric dentist let me hold her hands and basically lay over her and my husband was there rubbing her ankles to help comfort her instead of having her strapped to the hug board and it worked out very well. Now she runs around telling people her dentist took her tooth out but she's okay. Hopefully your LO does well with it and it all goes as smoothly as possible.
Yes I've experienced that with my now 13 year old. He handled it well. He was a little confused after but had recovered quickly