As a doula, I work along with obgyns and midwives. Working along with midwives is my fav because the team work feeling. For tips and educational resources, join
I had a doula and it was amazing! Absolutely worth it in my opinion
@Kai That’s a great idea! I’ll look into this 😌
@Karla Thank you!
Are there classes near you that you and your partner could take? My husband is no good with blood either, and he was super nervous (me too, to an extent but I used to work in daycare). We did a class called Baby Care Workshop that the hospital I gave birth at ran, it was run by a doula and in it there was a lot of information about different things but we were also able to practice things like holding, burping, and diaper changes with weighted dolls. They ran other classes about labour and stuff we didn't do because I had to have a c-section. It might be worth at least one meeting with a doula for him to be walked through what it may be like to prep him.