It’s not wasted. It’s just a choice that you can easily change.
It’s definitely not too late. I’m Exsctly where you are and it’s like dang…what could I had done if I wasn’t afraid. Make a list of the things you wanna do and if it’s still obtaining go for it
Oooookay.. let's play this game. I love this game.. ur imagination is telling u if u had.. it would have been all u imagined. What if.. ur were spared a car wreck.. that would have killed u. What if.. u were saved several horrible friendships that just hurt u.. What if.. u were saved several different horrible work cultures that just gave u trauma and left u with low self esteem.. It's gone.. and ur playing if it would have been the best.. I would be so much better of.. U don't know it's gone. But realizing ur emotions now.. u can slowly change that.. this thought process keeps u in shame spiral and not changing that.
I completely understand how you’re feeling, but I want you to know that it’s never too late to set and accomplish goals. We are still young! Having kids can make it harder for us mommas to work on ourselves, but it’s not impossible. Start small and set a small goal. Once you achieve it, you will feel so good about yourself and it I will inspire you to set more. You got this! You’re already doing the hardest, most courageous job in the world: being a mother! You can do anything at that. ☺️ I wish you all the best!
I'm 30 too and I feel like there's so much more to come. I just got my state license for financial advisor and am excited to start out, it's never too late, some people I know are getting it at 40+ or even older 😊
@Susie i will be 41 next week.
My mom went back to work at that age and got promotions in her 50s. Didn't have a recognized degree or anything. This license only takes 2 weeks and it's an online course. Or you could be a real estate agent, also only need a license. It's really not too late 💋
@Susie once the kids are older I hope to do something but I have no idea what. I'm not really a people person I prefer to hide in the background
Financial advisor you can do from home, just have to be on the phone quite a bit. But you can do it part time. There are other jobs like data entry you can do from home and not bother with anyone
@Susie I don’t really wanna do financial stuff since I can’t even get my own finances in order
I hate maths but it's really not that much. But there's other options, how about remote assistant? Idk there's probably loads more but I'm tired and can't think of more 😂
You are exactly where you're meant to be. Something is calling you. Are you going to answer?
As others have said - it isn't too late. You can change things if you want to. A lot of options are going to be very location dependent so now is the time to do some research - what would it take to get your driving licence (do you need one to get around or are there other options public transport, bike etc?) Is there a job center that can give you advice about what is around and getting into the job market? It might be that there are qualifications or apprenticeships that you could work on now in preparation to when the kids are older. There might even be initiatives aimed at people in your situation. If you want to WFH then look at what jobs are available and what qualifications you need (if any). Otherwise look at what jobs are available in your area, potentially part-time to let you ease back in and work around your kids schedules. Bottom line - if this is something you want/need then get researching and focus on what you can do not what you can't do/haven't done. Good luck!
I can understand where you are and reading the comments we are the same age 40, it's not to late, I don't have a drivers license either but that hasn't stopped me from getting around and out. I'm about to get back to school to get a degree in early childhood development so I can open a home daycare. Every one here has given awesome advice that I would only be echoing, you still have life in you, spend it doing all the things you thought u could never.
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@Faith only thing near me is a gas station I live out in the country. I thought about looking at work from home jobs because two of my kids are still under 6. But since I've never worked I don't know where to start. There are some many scam jobs and and people that say they work for lucrative companies and make thousands of dollars a day and week.
the only thing holding you back is your self. Decide to do at least one thing and stick with it .
@Nicole I would get out but there is nothing near me. I dont live near any public transportation.
Oh ok, was only offering it as encouragement not a criticism as I am in your shoes as well
maybe take an online class in something , watch youtube learn a new recipe.
@Erika i could do that I hardly ever cook. I was trying to learn how to crochet and use circular knitting machines, but I just don’t have the time for them.
I tried to learn how to crochet. I just could never learn it.
30 is a big turning point. There is soooo much time left. I decided to go back to school at 30. Start to do things that you’ve always wanted but were too scared to try.
@Rebecca my problem is I’ve never known what I wanted to do. I had my first kid two months after graduating high school and I’ve had three more since then and I’m 40 now still don’t know what I wanna do.
Since you don't know what you want to do, what do you like to do already and see what you can do from there?
@Nicole I pretty much spend all day playing with video games
You could do that build a following and possibly earn income that way.. I'm telling my brother the same
Get a twitch account, stream to YouTube, post on socials.. Just an idea
In you country there should be official body to help job seekers. You should be able to make an appointment (these days hopefully virtual) and talk to an advisor. They will be able to go through your options with you and point you towards legit job openings. They can also point you towards legitimate back to work schemes and training opportunities. Yes, anything you see online with 'making x dollers/ hour working from home' is probably a scam but you can look at the bigger recruitment agencies and see what entry level jobs they have. You could see if the gas station is hiring if you just want to get some experience and money. You say you spend a lot of time on your computer - there are resources or there to learn to type or learning to code. Transcription and digital jobs are possible wfh friendly if you can teach yourself the skills they are looking for.
If you don’t know what to do its time to be a kid again and start trying everything. Be curious. Journal. Think back when you were in high school before kids. Try every thing that seems fun or interesting. In time you’ll figure it out. This is actually a fun and exciting place to be.
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@Rebecca i’m still raising kids. I didn’t really do a whole lot in high school. I mostly stayed home a lot.
Not too late to change that!