
When do babies start teething? I’m a ftm so idk the signs to it
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It depends on baby. Most say starting at 4m but mines has been since he was 2.5m

@Vivian mines 2m nd 11d nd all she do is chew on her hands and then acts like she’s eating with nothing in her mouth and idk if that’s a sign or what but I can’t tell

It could be baby just being more aware of hands also. I knew because my baby would be super fussy and I would take like this little brush that goes over your finger and rub his gums and he would instantly calm down

@karely have you been using anything to calm baby?

My baby just started teething at three months her signs were putting her hands in her mouth, fussiness even though there fed and changed. Wanting the pacifier more. But all babies are different.

My baby started teething at 2months. Her signs were hands in mouth, fussy even when changed & fed, wanting pacifier more, plus I can feel teeth coming and they hurt when I touch it to feel them

My baby is teething at 3 months he had a low grade fever and he is fussy and doesn’t finish his food I waste so much formula since he teething now

@Elizabeth same! He will drink only about 12oz a day now sometimes a little more but he used to drink 25oz a day.

@Vivian yeah that’s about the same as mines he will fall asleep mid bottle.

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