I love the recipes by this lady https://www.instagram.com/rebeccawilsonfood?igsh=MXBwMDYzdzZ4cGEydA== I think you can find a lot on here or her website but I also have one of her books and it's great for ideas
Mince and mash, tomato pasta, fish pie, very mild curry with rice, cooked chicken (drumstick or thigh meat is best) with veg, lasagne, casserole, quesadilla, omelette
Have you tried the Annie’s white Mac n cheese? It’s very different than regular and it’s a lot better for them! My daughter loves that kind and my son will eat regular so I find myself making two kinds when I do make it! Maybe just try something simple like eggs and breakfast potatoes cooked very soft with just some salt! Sometimes the easiest things end up appealing to picky eaters and I’ve found if I don’t add a lot of spices or flavors that helps with picky eating so they don’t always have to have it cooked a certain way and can get used to cooking stuff more natural! I also never heated up purées or their bottles and they could drink it room temp just fine so that made it easier bc we didn’t have to have a warmer or microwave all the time around!
My 1yo is sooo picky even at the nursery i was told to offer one thing child likes and another thing child doesn’t just keep bringing it to the table even if its low amounts
Ok I'm glad my son isn't the only one! He must think pasta is rubber or something because he won't eat noodles.
My nearly 3yr old doesn't eat Mac n cheese either, nor chicken nuggets. We do butter noodles, chickpeas, black beans, tater tots, scrambled eggs, sprinkle toast (toast with peanut butter and sprinkles), yogurt Pouches... He will also do avocado, black olives, asparagus My kid has weird tastes 🤷 He used to eat salmon, baked chicken, mashed potatoes, grilled cheese . Don't know if any of those will come back but we keep trying.