Bed at 7, wake at 7 with 2 wake ups for feeding. In the day she has wake windows of 1hr and a half, and when she’s tired she just screams. One minute she’s perfectly happy, the next in tears.
Do you think it could have anything to do with milk, maybe an allergy? My first boy used to scream so much and I thought he was just a hard baby, I took him to the doctors and their reply was that I’m just a first time mum… turned out after I’d had enough he had a milk allergy. I cut out cows milk after he was around 8 months and he was a different baby. I’m not saying it is but just an idea, as I remember the screaming was relentless
I’m dairy free so I know it’s not that. She’s on treatment for reflux too.
I would try and push it to 2hrs 7 awake 9 nap 11nap 1nap 3 nap 5 nap 7/7:30 bed
@Sydney thank you. I’ll try that ❤️❤️
What is her routine like x