Nappy rash cream

Can anyone recommend a substitute for metanium cream? My little girl is teething and is having terrible nappies which is giving her a sore bottom. We use sudocreme just not but feel we need something else. And I'm not paying 35quid on Ebay for a tube of metanium 😱😱
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Bepanthen is good

I could have written this myself!! Without TMI, what have the nappies been like? I think my little girl is teething and her nappies have been absolutely awful giving her a sore and red bum, I was going to take her to the GP as I thought it might be a bug but is it just from getting teeth through?🤷🏻‍♀️

Aquaphor, savlon

Besides using a cream, I recommend baking soda baths, and lots of diaper free time. For diaper changes, instead of wipes, I use a spray bottle with warm water, and I pat dry with a soft towel.

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