Toddler still needs help burping when sleeping
Hi everyone! I was hoping for some advice or recommendations. My toddler is 13 months (almost 14 months) and over the past like month he has been waking a few times a night and screaming. Once we go in and settle him, he always burps so I believe this is the reason he is screaming. He also burps multiple times when we try to get him back to sleep and he will not go back to sleep until he has finished getting all the burps out. I don't know what brought on this change, he used to sleep through the night but it's getting bad. I was up for 2 hours at one point last night helping him get his burps out. He also wakes up while he is napping to burp. I brought it up with my doctor but they dismissed me and think it's just cause he wants someone in the room but I don't believe this is the case for a few reasons. If anyone has any advice or can recommend a doctor, please help me.
Unsure what could be causing it but I’d go see a child paediatrician rather then a gp