Is there a reason to have a sweep even at 36 weeks? I would assume best to wait even though it’s not long before baby is due? i also heard membrane sweeps can cause other issues(although not very common still possible), so if there’s no medical need for baby to come yet why wouldn’t you wait? not hating genuinely curious❤️
@Ellie-May no there’s no medical reason, I assumed she gave me the option because I’m 3cm dilated at 36 weeks, but I’m going to wait and let baby do his thing
@Breianna yeah i guess makes sense to give you that option if you are dialated x
i had one at 40+2 and gave birth 3 days later. but it doesn’t work if your body isn’t already close. 36 weeks seems a little early to have one
@Ellie-May I would have to agree, if it’s not medically necessary I am against interference. A membrane sweep and cervical checks can introduce bacteria to the birth canal and getting an induction increases your chance of a c-section
I had one with my first and was 3cm dilated at 39+6 - I was induced the next day so hard to say if it worked. Second baby I had one at 38+6, I was 4cm and he came the same day.
My OB told me when I was 39 weeks that there is no clinically significant results on whether it works well enough for her to recommend it to me. She said they are not consistently effective and it would just cause undue discomfort and risks for uncertain results.
I had a membrane sweep done twice- at 36 weeks and then at 38 (I was 3cm dilated for both) I went into labor 2 days after my second sweep. It’s definitely not an enjoyable experience as it’s fairly painful and causes lots of cramping but I’d say it helped progress my labor! I ended up with pre-eclampsia so they wanted to kick start things early