I would ring triage, from what i’ve seen it doesn’t necessarily look like mucus plug as it tends to be thicker more well ‘mucusy’. But clearly there is bleeding and you are having contractions- you can be in labour before you fully lose your mucus plug. Ring the urgent midwife line and see what they say, because the contractions aren’t very close together they may say to wait until i believe around 5 minutes apart and painful. but due to the membrane sweep this morning and the bleeding they may want to check you out anyway. it is always advised to ring the midwife line/triage before you go to hospital anyway unless it is emergency or you believe you are literally about to push the baby out as it is good for them to know you are on the way. hope all is good- baby might be on their way soon!❤️❤️
it looks like spotting but not the mucus plug. it should look like a giant wet booger
@Ellie-May thanks💗💗 and I’m so nervous this is my second and not sure if these are real contractions or not
@Izzie oh okay, wasn’t sure if red spotting was normal after the sweep
Looks like spotting from the membrane sweep to me:)
it is normal, in my case i didn’t lose the mucus plug/bloody show until 3 days after the sweep. so give it more time to see what happens!
Maybe message your ob to keep them updated and see what they think. Until then just continue to keep track or the time between each contraction