Overnight nanny
Has anyone hired a night nurse for some sleep?
My son used to sleep SO well, 5-7 hours a night. He hit his sleep regression at 4 months and now he's almost 6 months and won't sleep more than 2 hours at a time. He still nurses at night every couple of hours. If we can, I'll stretch it to 3 hours, but my baby is so used to nursing back to sleep. I'm thinking of hiring a night nurse for a few days so I can get some sleep (wake up to nurse still) and help figure out a night routine. Has anyone found that helpful? What is the average cost if I just wanted to do this a few nights as a treat then be done ?
I was just thinking in the same thing (also in MA). Our LO is up constantly at night and it's now taking hours for him to fall asleep. I was going to start looking into hiring a night nurse to help with sleep training (unsure if this is a thing).