You're at the point where you need to plan. Save your money. Start looking into places with rent you can afford. Find resources that will help and support you, childcare, etc. Please listen when I say that it's not your fault and you're not a bad mom! Your guy has you believing lies. It's control. Please know that you're worth so much more and you can do better. I left my husband of 15 years (we have three kids) because he was very similar to your man. Plus, he was a drug user and dealer. I had enough of the abuse. The way you're forced to pay for everything is financial abuse. I learned a lot about that. ~I'm now a single mom of three kids. I can't tell you it's been easy because it hasn't, but it's been worth it. God has blessed me, as He will you. Whatever you decide, don't stay where you're at. I made that mistake and won't ever get those years back
Wat she said @Jennifer ! Start making a plan, save n get out.
Saying you 'can't leave' sounds like you plan to live your life this way. I know of someone who is in the same situation except her daughter is a preteen and now the guy just moved his new pregnant girlfriend in to his mom's house as well. They're all getting along great, but she also 'can't leave'. Make a plan and get out of there. Get rid of the dog/cat too, bring them to a shelter. Find a daycare for your child, get a job, save money, LEAVE. Easier said than done, but is it really an option for you to stay and live life this way?
@J.S. Jaees can’t leave at the moment* lol trust it’s a plan to leave.
@Jennifer that has already become such a regret, I wish I would’ve left sooner but I was a SAHM with no job and relied on welfare. I don’t have any family or friends that can help. My family is just as toxic so I don’t even have emotional support, he’s my only sitter, so it’s really tough. But im determined to make it happen, I just started a new job so im hopeful we can make it out.
I really do understand. I was a SAHM too, which is why I stayed so long. It's scary to think of the negatives of what "could" happen if you left right away. Just try not to stay comfortable. That may sound crazy, that you're comfortable, but underneath the turmoil, for me at least, there was a level of comfort knowing that I still had my home, the bills were paid, etc, etc. I'm kicking myself in the pants for that now. So many years gone that could've been used to at least prepare myself to leave. School, job training, something.. you know? ~ If you want, PM me. I'd love to be a support to you any time you need one. ❤️
Also I am gaslighted to the highest extent. When I voice my anger and hurt I’m told I’m crazy and a nag and I’m annoying.