Hardest stage

Which was the hardest stage for you, and why
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I'd say close to 12months cause after that they fixing to be 2 years old and then they in the toddler stage and then it all over from there

the toddlerrrrr staaaggeee omg pls send help 😂 everything is NO. they don’t listen to ANNYYYTHING. they literally just do what they want. my 2 year old throws a fit if i even look at my phone because she feels like i’m neglecting her. 🤦🏽‍♀️ also, mine never stop asking for food. ever. & then ask “is it ready?” every 2 minutes when i’m getting their breakfast, lunch, snacks AND dinner ready. like bro let me cook 😭

Of the above 9-12 during the newborn stage they’re just nursing around the clock and sleeping most of the time . 9-12 they’re moving around more and are doing a whole lot more then younger babies do

0-3 months definitely. My daughter had colic.

They each have different challenges. So it just depends 0-3 as a first time i had so much anxiety, about breast milk, sleeping(sids) and also the messed up sleep pattern, and freshly post partum. 4 months is when i went back to work, so separation anxiety, lol as i type the first 9 months was all anxiety😂 6 months i stopped breastfeeding so the thought of adding formula and how it would affect my baby but also feeling like a failure for not breastfeeding until 1... 9-12 they just get into stuff but my anxiety eased up and then 2 days after my sons first birthday he got a cold and ended up in the hospital b/c of asthma😂 so truly anxiety never really went away. Toddler stage is a lot harder though because you really have to keep them busy otherwise their drinking your cup of champagne at thanksgiving or grabbing knives out the dishwasher

Basically aside from my personal anxiety the baby stage was fairly easy as you adjust😂 but i truly think i had a perfect baby so i feel like i might not get so lucky next time around

0-3 by far. It was so bad I don't even remember it. My son was 8 weeks premature so the newborn stage lasted longer. We'd lost his twin brother 2 weeks before going into preterm labour so I was grieving all while being sleep deprivated beyond belief because my baby also had colic and never wanted to be put down. For me once he hit 4 months old it just gradually got better. Idk if I would say easier lol as each stage has it's challenges but I no longer feel like I'm drowning

0-3 due to sleep deprivation, runner up 9-12 because of insane seperation anxiety. Third runner up would be 16-19 months (now) because my son has learned to climb and oh. My. God.

CMPA colic silent reflux 🫠

0-3 months and then 12m+ 😵‍💫 but that’s mainly because he’s been ill every other week

I have 4 kids. 11, 8, 3, and 3 months. The hardest age for every single one (besides the newborn because he’s just not there yet) is 3. 3 is such a terrible age. The outbursts are worse, there are cute moments but overall 3 is HARD.

@Nestlē I’m right there with you. I thought 0-3 was hard because I had a Velcro baby for my first and I struggled to get anything done. I had birth trauma and was adjusting to be a mum. Then the age 2 happened. So far that is the hardest by far. And I now have a newborn who isn’t a Velcro baby. Far out it’s so different the second time around. But shit you gotta watch out and protect the newborn from the 2 year old. My 2 year old loves her little sister. But she either hugs wayyyy to hard or she hits or try’s to poke my newborn in the eye. It is rough!

2 year old toddlers is the hardest stage! Lol. 0-12 months was a breeze for me, the scheduled naps, less mobility and access to things they can’t touch, little to no tantrums, they can just be a couch potato with you until it’s their nap time. 😢 I miss these days

Honestly after having two I think this is very person dependent! I would say the toddler stage 18-24 months because I struggle with getting my toddler to do anything. He is in the "No, I will do it myself" stage 🙄. My hubby is amazing with my toddler! Hubby would say it's the 0-6 months stage because we have a newborn that does not stop moving but does not know how to use his arms and slaps aways his bottles but complains he is starving 🤣🤣. I find this super cute while it makes him so angry!

12-18 months so far 🤣

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I said 3-6 months because that is when my little boy suffered with colic the most.

3-6 months due to ppd but 6-8 mo was terrible as well with teething and insanely bad baby sleep

Idk I miss those ages tbh 😭I got a threenager now so 3😂

@Allison is it really that bad? I have a 2 & a half year old & his favourite word at the moment is No. Please tell me it gets better 😄

@Rachel it definitely is worse now that my daughter turned 3 in October and is just very sassy and rude. She will listen most of the time but has a HUGE attitude problem like anytime I say no she yells at me and think she’s “ the boss” HER WORDS like girl no. Lmfao it’s also a really fun age too cause my 3 year old talks extremely well and can be so funny and she understands more so in some cases that’s a bonus but yes 3 year olds will hurt your feelings 99.9% of the time and honestly it’s just over all hard. Alsoshe was a little over 2.5 is when I definitely noticed changes in her behavior

1-2-3 years old. 😅

@Megan omg I can’t imagine, I’m so sorry for your loss 💕💕

0-3 cause all they do is cry and fight sleep

2.5 - the whining and constant tantrums overwhelm me and make me so angry. It’s a battle to use my calm voice and has been a eye opener/learning experience for me. I’d take any of the ages up above lol

@Allison I'm hoping because I have a boy, it might be different to having a girl. I noticed a difference when he turned 2 & a half as well, though, so probably not 😄

2-4 so far 🤣

9-12 was hard because he went from being a bassinet potato to a fully explorative boddler and I wasn’t prepared for the transition

The whole first year lol

The whole time we had really bad sleep but 6-9 months was dreadful . But 0,1,2 and 3 years old 😆

Don’t get me wrong, the newborn trenches was hard, but the hard part for me was 6-12 months because I was a working mom - work was demanding more of my time and I was taking care of my baby at night by myself.. baby was having a hard time adapting to his crib at first, then the sleep regression and teething. Baby still can’t sleep well at night - he’s growing all 4 molars at once and he’s miserable. ☹️

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Honestly, I will take infancy and toddler stages over having school age kids any day. In the moment the younger stages feel harder but after having experienced all the way up to high school I’d take infants and toddler stages in a heart beat

For my first it was 0-3 and 2+ 🤣 my second has been fine at 1 month so far

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