@Yasmin but is that okay for them in terms of their health if baby isn’t eating much until 1 year? From the weaning books I’m reading how our milk can’t provide enough nutrients and protein, carbs, fibre etc. must be provided so I was also feeding baby as I’m worried she will fall behind in health and development if she doesn’t eat anything. Would love to know your experience 🙏🏽 xx
They are getting nutrients from just licking and putting their hands in their mouth after touching the food. At least that’s what all the BLW books and groups and stuff have said. My son’s nutrients were fine and he didn’t really start eating eating until he was closer to one. They also get their nutrients spread out the week not just one day of food.
What does BLW mean? My son's 11 months old and I have to feed him too
I do a combination because of this. I give finger food for him to play with and try to eat, but really a lot of it ends up mushed down the high chair. I also spoon feed him mashed foods/ purées and find he’s more content afterwards. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing both if it’s working for you
@Rabia absolutely 😊 babies are intuitive eaters they know what they need and will consume what they need. Your job is to offer a balance diet - babies job is to decide what they want to eat. Under 1 food is complimentary and about sensory learning, taste, textures, learning to chew and swallow etc etc. young babies aren’t meant to be polishing off full dinners. My boy ate very sporadically before 1 remained on the 90th centile and sat, crawled, walked etc right on time 😊 Trust your baby they’re smarter than you think! xx
@Georgia baby led weaning. You give the baby the same meals you’re eating and cut them appropriately and then allow baby to feed themselves without interfering. No purées or mushed foods and no spoon feeding x
Agree with everything Yasmin said, trust your baby, until 1 food is not necessary, milk is. Food is a discovery for now, enjoy it!
Throwing and not eating much is so so normal at that age! To BLW it’s so important baby is in charge of food and what they eat and that you don’t intervene. Exposure of key but it’s also a sensory experience for them! My boy didn’t reliably eat until much closer to 1 year old. Eat the same foods at the same time, model chewing and swallowing in an over exaggerated way and keep meal times low pressure and fun. He’ll get there 😊