I also feel the same, I don’t regret my son at all. But like Evie said especially when I’m struggling I wonder what my life could’ve been like if I didn’t get pregnant. It’s hard and it’s such a weird feeling. But I remind myself that no matter what stage of life you’re in when you have a baby. I think there is an inevitable grieving of your care free past life and freedoms. As you for the most part completely shed the person you once were. And that is difficult to come to terms with. Keep pushing on mama you’re doing amazing and you’re not alone in your thoughts x
I would say it definitley get’s better! I had my first child when I was 17, and I watched all my friends have fun during summer, then go to college and go on weekend getaways, have a drink & not feel guilty about it afterwards & trying to manage being a stahm while navigating my relationship all at 17. I think when my son turned 3 I was able to go out again and actually enjoy myself, I had a job and a break from just being “ Mom” 247. I waited 7 years until I had my second, I am in a much better head place now. I know exactly what I signed up for and I am enjoying every minute of it- something I was not able to do before. Most of my friends have not had children yet, but I have made new friends that do. My son has been going to school for 3 years now and that was bittersweet as I was sad he was so grown up, but the break of him being at school makes me miss him so much more by the time he’s home again. It does get better ❤️
36 and still feel like this. It’s certainly an adjustment
Honestly i felt this for years and once my kids both started school i had a good two year to myself. I met new people and reunited with others. One sad truth is.. nobody cares as much as youd like them to. Their fun seems all fun because we cant really be that free at the moment. But i am sure a lot of them also want to eventually settle and have what we have. Your life can still be lived.. you can plan mini trips if possible or save up to go once the kids are a bit older. Yes motherhood is very isolating and hard. Very hard but remember that there are communities to go to for little ones to connect with other moms at least. It hurts a lot when we disconnect with friends.. so that i wont say its nothing. It hurts. But a lot of people are surface level friends too. Youre going to be okay 💗
I feel the same and me personally it doesn’t get better. I still think about what could’ve been a lot but it’s just something you gotta push through because it can’t be changed. If you only have one kid I would highly recommend waiting awhile before having another that’s for sure.